25 thoughts on “Euro 2012 Poland & Ukraine promo

  1. Tak sobie myślę… Przecież Polska to potęga! Za 1 razem ochroniła europę
    przed turkami za 2 przed Bolszewikami a w 1989 przed komunizmem… A teraz
    takie w sumie niezbyt bogate państwo…. Ciekawe czemu….

  2. ZERO do not wait. Take Lviv right now, if you can. )))))))))))))))))))))))
    you are week, and you can`t do it!!!! ather vise take it tomorrow!!! Do not
    wait foe EURO. it is to long, and me and Ukrainians realy want to kick off
    Pol asses ))))))))))))

  3. 91more U Have 100% truth !!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor silly ukraine.. poor almost
    russian peolpe.. 🙂 i we hadnt help U with an orange revolution u would be
    refered as a suburbs of russia 🙂 Good Luck 🙂 So What is with that ukraine
    is big.. 🙂 U have only 2 big cities (involving 1 polish Lwow ;] 🙂 and u
    dont have running water or electrisity 24/h 🙂 See ja 🙂

  4. Do you realize you was wrong mothefacker??? And Germany will take they
    Wrozlay )))) soon or late. together …)))))

  5. lool are you talking bout them blond bimbo tranny look a likes from ukraine
    regarding HOTTER GIRLS? We suck up to germany to get opportunities and to
    improve our economy, you shouldn’tnt speak about disasters since ukraine
    did a genocide on polish people. We don”t want to host euo with germans,
    poland is prepared to host it by itself, it’s germany that wants to join
    in. Ukraine is so slow building stadiums and motorways, I will be pissing
    myself laughing if ukraine looses the right to host euro

  6. wtf is Wrozlay??Wroclaw motherfucker, Wroclaw… and no, it will not be
    taken by Germany. We will take back Lwow, and territory that is rightfull
    ours after the Euro 🙂

  7. Great vid!! The Euro 2012 is gonna be great. FieldKings will win the Euro
    2012. All you need to know!

  8. hej ale o co ci chodzi? fakt na Ukrainie zyje prawie 50% rosjan i tam
    narasta problem na tym tle.Ja znam trochę Ukraińców i oni naprawdę cenią
    bardziej nas niż Rosjan.Polacy nigdy nie stosowali polonizacji jak Rosjanie
    rusyfikacji-przecież my to znamy.O Wołyń ci chodzi?Mi sie wydaje ,ze jest
    super ze osiągneliśmy tyle razem po takich przejsciach,bo jest jakas
    otwartość na dialog a nie tak jak z Rosjanami-mówisz jak do ściany..

  9. Nie wstydźmy się naszej kultury i historii, przecież jest w niej tyle łez
    wzruszenia i tyle dumy.

  10. tego nie mozna sie wstydzic! Tym trzeba sie chwalic!!! Polacy jak i
    Ukraincy powinni byc dumni ze swojej tradycji bo jest piekna!

  11. @czomolungma1 I doubt slovakia will exist for long – sooner or later it
    will be incorporated to Hungary and do not forget that Transcarpathia is
    part of Hungary. We have to work together with Hungarians to establish
    polish-hungarian frontier despite of the machinations of judeo-american and
    soviet provocators. It will be a foundation of our Power in Europe.

  12. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Kiev is the only “Modern city” in ukraine the rest is
    dirty poor slums, have you been to wroclaw poznan gdansk lublin (which has
    modernized train station) warsaw? Kiev is the capital city so obviously
    goverment needed to modernize it so it wont scare investors of. At least
    out goverment tried to fund the trip to ukraine, the ukrainian children had
    to pay with their own money for everything. And everything suposed to be
    old in Krakow – since it is meant to have old atmosphere

  13. Well Ukrainian girls are hotter anyway and most of them stay in Ukraine coz
    Poland is just wasted, they have racist fuckers like you everywhere when
    they should be hating Germany for attacking your country first in WW2, but
    no you just suck up to Germany and you only want to host it with them coz
    they might give you money to host it properly unlike u=Ukraine aint begging
    their neighbures to help them host.

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25 thoughts on “Euro 2012 Poland & Ukraine promo

  1. Tak sobie myślę… Przecież Polska to potęga! Za 1 razem ochroniła europę
    przed turkami za 2 przed Bolszewikami a w 1989 przed komunizmem… A teraz
    takie w sumie niezbyt bogate państwo…. Ciekawe czemu….

  2. ZERO do not wait. Take Lviv right now, if you can. )))))))))))))))))))))))
    you are week, and you can`t do it!!!! ather vise take it tomorrow!!! Do not
    wait foe EURO. it is to long, and me and Ukrainians realy want to kick off
    Pol asses ))))))))))))

  3. 91more U Have 100% truth !!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor silly ukraine.. poor almost
    russian peolpe.. 🙂 i we hadnt help U with an orange revolution u would be
    refered as a suburbs of russia 🙂 Good Luck 🙂 So What is with that ukraine
    is big.. 🙂 U have only 2 big cities (involving 1 polish Lwow ;] 🙂 and u
    dont have running water or electrisity 24/h 🙂 See ja 🙂

  4. Do you realize you was wrong mothefacker??? And Germany will take they
    Wrozlay )))) soon or late. together …)))))

  5. lool are you talking bout them blond bimbo tranny look a likes from ukraine
    regarding HOTTER GIRLS? We suck up to germany to get opportunities and to
    improve our economy, you shouldn’tnt speak about disasters since ukraine
    did a genocide on polish people. We don”t want to host euo with germans,
    poland is prepared to host it by itself, it’s germany that wants to join
    in. Ukraine is so slow building stadiums and motorways, I will be pissing
    myself laughing if ukraine looses the right to host euro

  6. wtf is Wrozlay??Wroclaw motherfucker, Wroclaw… and no, it will not be
    taken by Germany. We will take back Lwow, and territory that is rightfull
    ours after the Euro 🙂

  7. Great vid!! The Euro 2012 is gonna be great. FieldKings will win the Euro
    2012. All you need to know!

  8. hej ale o co ci chodzi? fakt na Ukrainie zyje prawie 50% rosjan i tam
    narasta problem na tym tle.Ja znam trochę Ukraińców i oni naprawdę cenią
    bardziej nas niż Rosjan.Polacy nigdy nie stosowali polonizacji jak Rosjanie
    rusyfikacji-przecież my to znamy.O Wołyń ci chodzi?Mi sie wydaje ,ze jest
    super ze osiągneliśmy tyle razem po takich przejsciach,bo jest jakas
    otwartość na dialog a nie tak jak z Rosjanami-mówisz jak do ściany..

  9. Nie wstydźmy się naszej kultury i historii, przecież jest w niej tyle łez
    wzruszenia i tyle dumy.

  10. tego nie mozna sie wstydzic! Tym trzeba sie chwalic!!! Polacy jak i
    Ukraincy powinni byc dumni ze swojej tradycji bo jest piekna!

  11. @czomolungma1 I doubt slovakia will exist for long – sooner or later it
    will be incorporated to Hungary and do not forget that Transcarpathia is
    part of Hungary. We have to work together with Hungarians to establish
    polish-hungarian frontier despite of the machinations of judeo-american and
    soviet provocators. It will be a foundation of our Power in Europe.

  12. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Kiev is the only “Modern city” in ukraine the rest is
    dirty poor slums, have you been to wroclaw poznan gdansk lublin (which has
    modernized train station) warsaw? Kiev is the capital city so obviously
    goverment needed to modernize it so it wont scare investors of. At least
    out goverment tried to fund the trip to ukraine, the ukrainian children had
    to pay with their own money for everything. And everything suposed to be
    old in Krakow – since it is meant to have old atmosphere

  13. Well Ukrainian girls are hotter anyway and most of them stay in Ukraine coz
    Poland is just wasted, they have racist fuckers like you everywhere when
    they should be hating Germany for attacking your country first in WW2, but
    no you just suck up to Germany and you only want to host it with them coz
    they might give you money to host it properly unlike u=Ukraine aint begging
    their neighbures to help them host.

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