A joint probe by Switzerland, the United States and France into the dealings of how Russia got the nod for the World Cup is raising dust.

The right to host the 2022 World Cup by Qatar is also being investigated, as more and more FIFA officials plead guilty to allegations of bribery and abuse of powers.

Some senators wanted to stop Russia from hosting the events two year ago and recent campaigns against corruption are forcing German MPs to ask for a boycott of the event next year.

A journalist for Gazeta Polska CodziennieMarcin Herman cited German press, reporting that there are factions of North Korean workers that are involved in the building of a stadium in the Russia capital. There are concerns about the quality, safety and moral implications.

There are concerns about games poised to hold in Kaliningrad – as it is close to the Polish border – as the Russian army held exercises there on how they could attack Poland. Games are also planned for Rostov, a city that is 200km from Donbass – a Russian occupied place close to Eastern Ukraine.

Citing the 1936 Berlin Olympics before the German attack on Poland as precedence, the happenings and tensions regarding Soccer First this Russian World Cup fuels the fears about it.

Russians themselves are afraid of the effect on their economy, considering the recent winter Olympics experience. The controversy involved in winning the bid, the hooliganism and racial abuse claims against Russian fans, and the financial challenges have marred the pluses from hosting the event.